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I have loved the art of photography ever since I was introduced to it in the film days of the early eighties. I bought my first camera at a pawn shop along with a zoom lens and the addiction grew from there. I read as much as I could about different techniques, lighting conditions, composition, etc, and eventually learned to see things in a photographic perspective rather than at face value. Just like anything, to be good at it, you have to practice, practice, practice. And, I did just that. I was out almost every weekend just wandering around taking photos of whatever I found interesting.


It is even easier nowadays in the digital photography era to practice since you can view your results immediately. Now, I rarely go anywhere without carrying a point and shoot camera with me. You just never know when a "photo op" will pop up. 


As long as I've been shooting with a camera, I still see flaws in my shots that no one seems to notice. I think I am my own worst critic and always work to improve my skill level. It seems that no matter how much I shoot, I still see areas I could be a lot better at. These pages on this website are the result of a LOT of shooting, a LOT of self critiquing and just the few of what I consider "good enough" to display. I do use a photo editor but, I try to limit adjustments to the bare minimum and keep the photos as natural as I remember seeing them through my lens.

I have gotten many compliments on some of my shots. My ultimate goal is to actually sell my work. If you like what you see here and would like prints of any of my work, please feel free to contact me with your requirements and we can work out the arrangements. Thanks for visiting my photography website.


Feedback is always welcome about this website.


Also note that all of the images on this website are available for purchase. Please provide print and/or framing requirements.

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